Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Gift of Giving

      This year our family saved our change and piggy bank money to pick out a few items to donate to people in need. Last year we all put our money together and went through World Vision and gifted a family in a third world country a goat. This year a Samaritan’s Purse catalog arrived at our door before Thanksgiving and the kids were hooked and wanted to get one of everything in the catalog. So we decided to go through them.  Our mission is to instill in our children’s heart’s a love to give and help support those in need. Now we are not rich and probably never will be and yes we do barely scrape by to make ends meet. But we still make it a point to give were we can. Showing the kids that the Lord provides for us and we need to also give back. We explain to our kids there are people who have nothing that need food and everyday items.  Kids who live on the streets or in orphanages. Their hearts go out to these kids and they want to help in every way they can. I hope one day they will be able to do a missions trip and actually see how people live in other third world countries, instead of us just explaining it to them.  Their hearts are so loving I know they would be deeply moved to help.  So what we did was have everyone save what they could. My mother and oldest brother saved as well to join in on the project. Then at Thanksgiving we sat down and counted each child’s piggy bank and gave them the choice of how much they wanted to give. Gabe went first giving all but a dollar or two. We all clapped and made a big deal about how he was blessing a family and how wonderful it was that he donated what he felt he was being lead to. Then came Genesis, she and Dad counted all her money separated it out pennies in one pile silver in another. We asked what she would like to give. Without skipping a beat she pushed all her pennies to dad and a few dollars and kept the silver. In my mind I was thinking what is going though that little mind of hers? Why the pennies? Then it clicked! She gave what meant the most to her, she gave them all of her Gold! In her mind (4 yr. old) the pennies are gold, the money that had the most value. She wanted them to have her treasure. She thought the silver would have less value so she kept them and gave the rest. My heart melted, I could have cried.  I was so proud of her. We all clapped and cheered praising her thoughtful gift.  We ended up raising $70! The kids where so excited. So we sat down with the catalog. They each picked two gifts, and then we picked one as a family. We were able to get as well as their descriptions …

Gabe picked out:

Sports Gear to supply recreational items and turn schoolyards into mission fields where girls and boys learn how to gain real victory in Jesus.

Bibles and Christian Literature providing  5 New Testaments, three bibles, or other gospel materials to people in impoverished communities, refugee camps, disaster sites and hospitals. Or as he says to help them learn about Jesus.

Sissy picked out:

A Dozen Baby Chicks to provide an ongoing source of nutrition and a supplemental income.

“Jesus loves me” Lambs to provide a child with an endearing reminder of the Lamb of God. A little stuffed lamb that plays the melody “Jesus loves me”.

Gideon picked out:

“Jesus loves me lambs”

As well as Milk, providing nutrition for a week, so that a hurting child can “taste and see that the Lord is good”

We picked out for Garin:

Feed a hungry baby for a week, to supply a week of nourishing food for a baby or a nursing mother in places such the Horn of Africa

The Family gift was:

A Life-Saving Mosquito net to provide someone with a natural insecticide treated net to protect against malaria.

The wonderful thing is that these all added up to $70 exactly! It was a success this year and we can’t wait to do this again! I challenge you and your family to discuss and pray about making this a part of your family traditions. If you are interested check out Samaritans purse at… samaritanspurse.org/catalog     

God Bless,



Monday, November 26, 2012

Cooking with Liver, Yes Liver!

    The other day I attempted my first recipe including liver in it. I made meatballs for spaghetti sauce. It was a huge hit with the family. The hubby as well as the kids approved it and ate lots! Justin said if he didn't know there was liver in it he wouldn't have been able to tell. I am always happy when I can incorporate healthy good for you food into our daily diet. I must confess though I did not eat them as I do not like ground meat of any kind. It's just a texture thing. I will be trying more recipes in the coming month like fajitas or something where I can hide liver in with other shredded beef. Then I can get the benefits of the liver as well. I highly recommend finding a good reliable source of liver. We shop Whole Foods for ours as they give their meat ratings and have more reliable sources.  Fresh grass-fed would be nice but we have not found a local source yet! Liver is a good source of Vitamin A and Iron as well as other wonderful nutrients. (But as with everything health related I am not a doctor nor do I know it all, so do your research and consult who you need to.) The recipe I used was made up in my mind so it is one of those a little of this a little of that recipes. Below is how I prepared them.

Mommy's "Special" G-Free Meatball's :
3 small cuts of Liver (We used calf liver because that was our best option)
1 lb of Ground Beef
2 Large Carrots
2 Celery Stalks
Half of a Red Onion
3 or so Cloves of Garlic
Half of a Green Pepper
Few tablespoons of Ketchup of Choice (We used homemade)
1/4 cup or less of Dry Oatmeal
2 eggs
Splash of Worcestershire sauce
Spices of your choice (like Italian Seasoning, pinch chili powder, the skies the limit, whatever your family likes
Salt and pepper to taste
I took the veggies and put them in the food processor until they were tiny pieces. Then they went into a big bowl.  Then I put the Raw liver in the processor and ground till it was basically pudding. Then I put all the ingredients into a big bowl and mixed it all by hand. I scooped about 2 TBL of the meat mixture into balls and cooked them at 350 in mini muffin pans until browned and cooked through. Top with spaghetti sauce.
Give it a try I bet you will be surprised!

God Bless-

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November...How fast you have flown by!

November happenings: Justin's birthday was at the beginning o f the month. We had a day just to celebrate him. Making him all his favorite meals and just loving on him. We had for breakfast Empanadas filled with sausage gravy and eggs. Lunch was a very wonderful recipe for Pumpkin Chowder. Dinner was Tator tot casserole. He also spent his birthday money from my family and got a fire pit. It was so wonderful to see the excitement in everyone enjoying the first fire. Below is a picture of Justin and the kids roasting marshmallows and a picture of the Pumpkin Chowder ingredients.
We spent a warm Nebraska afternoon taking a walk and then planting some crocus bulbs. The kids all pitched in and are very excited for them to grow in the spring.

This year for Thanksgiving my mother and brother that live in Wisconsin due to work had to come the week before Thanksgiving for their visit instead of on Thanksgiving. So we enjoyed their company and the kids kept them very busy. My brother rebuilt the wagon Gabe had when he was little and brought that with him. They worked on it together putting the wheels back on and taking the Little's on rides. We had a wonderful visit!

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had a great meal with just us. The menu was: Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Maple Glazed Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus, Broccoli/Cauliflower and Cheese Sauce, Stuffing, Gravy, Pumpkin and Chocolate Pie with Homemade Raw milk whipped cream. Wow it was alot of food but it was so good! Afterwards we went for a walk. I am So Thankful the Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful family!

Next we are onto Christmas! Oh this truley is my most favorite time of year. We are having a Homemade Christmas this year. I cannot wait. Thanksgiving evening we put up the tree. The kids were so excited they couldn't wait. The Christmas spirit is alive and kicking in this house. Christmas movies and music are a staple. There isn't a moment when we aren't singing and dancing to Christmas music. Gensis has been running around the house carrying "baby Jesus" (her baby doll) wearing a towel pretending to be Mary. Below are the pictures of the tree decorating. Enjoy :)

God Bless,

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful for a Beautiful Fall Day

  This morning turned out to be a wonderful day for yard work. We bundled all the kids up and got to it. Everyone pitched in raking, sweeping, bagging up and of course jumping into big piles of leaves. I was very proud of my oldest kids with how hard they worked without complaining a bit. Gabe and Genesis even mentioned how much fun they were having. Gideon ( 20 mths old) worked so very hard raking and picking up. Very busy into everyone's work. He earned an early snack break due to the fact he worked so hard he couldn't walk anymore. He sat in the stroller while we finished up. Thankfully Garin passed out in his car seat and snuggled in for a long nap. That allowed me to get in on the fun. It felt so good to get out in the sun and work. After a couple hours it was time to finish up and get the Little's to nap. Everyone grabbed bags and brought them to daddy's truck. Each child racing to make sure they got the chance to bring the most bags. I helped Gideon drag a few so he could join in on the fun. It brought great Joy to Justin and mines hearts to have everyone pull together to get the job done. Someday we will be doing this on our very own homestead, I cannot wait.  While they are napping I am blogging and cooking lunch. Homemade Gluten Free Chicken tenders, Potato wedges and from scratch Ketchup made by my wonderful hubby. It smells so good I cannot wait to try it! Praying everyone's November is Blessed and Everyone can Take time to enjoy the wonderful moments we share with our families! Happy November 1st.
                       God Bless,

Saturday, October 27, 2012

This weeks Happenings...

   This week as all weeks was a busy one. We may not get out everyday but life still moves at rapid pace when we are stuck indoors. We endured this weeks warm temps and  then they fell drastically. We had three days in a row where we didn't see the sun. It was just clouds, cold,fog and rain. I really need the sun. It peps me up. Thursday was a magical day. The Lord blessed us with SNOW! A tiny glimpse of the season to come. The older kids squealed with delight and Gideon looked in awe. Last year he was to small to remember snow. It went as quickly as it came but rest assured it will be back. Thursday was also milk pick up day! The kids love going to the farm to get their milk. It helps them visualize where their food comes from. They met a new dog this trip. No matter how many times our kids see animals each one is so special to them. They love all over them and leave a lasting impression. Gabriel lost another tooth this week bringing the total tooth loss to 4. He is so afraid of losing them but when they come out he is so very excited. Garin this week turned 3 months old! Time is flying by I wish I could make it slow down just a tad. Gideon absolutely loves his baby brother. Kissing him, playing patty cake, and talking to him. Gideon is garin's protector. It is funny if Justin picks garin up Gid goes Mom! Mom! Dad!. Like hey mom get over here dad picked garin up, Help! LOL! It is wonderful to see such a bond. Genesis has had a low key week playing play doh, painting and trying to keep all her hair. Gideon has taken to pulling it to get attention. Poor girl is so outnumbered by the boys but she sure can hold her own. Justin is doing great at work and getting rave reviews. Another week down many more to go. Praying everyone has a Blessed week! Below is a picture of Gideon loving on Garin.

                             God Bless,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Raw Butter

      After skimming the cream off of five quarts of raw milk I finally made butter! I have always dreamed of making my own butter. Churning it the old fashioned way while sitting with the family listening to the radio. With Grandma and Grandpa in their rocking chairs. The cool night breeze coming in the windows. Then at the end of the night everyone saying goodnight to each other from their rooms...Goodnight Mama, Goodnight Daddy, Good night Gabe, Goodnight Genesis, Goodnight Giddy, Goodnight Garin, Good night John Boy. Ahh, Well enough of the dreaming of being the Walton's. I may not have had the time or the equipment to hand churn but I did have this handy dandy stand mixer. I placed my wonderful liquid gold, also known as raw cream in the bowl and turned on the mixer. Then waited and waited. Actually I was able to put 3 kids down for naps before it turned to butter. With the help of my amazing hubby we rinsed and strained it with a  cloth 3 or so times. Saving the lovely buttermilk for baking. After it was strained in the babies clean burp cloth due to the fact I did not have cheese cloth, we put it in the fridge to store. Tonight the kids and I for supper had mashed potatoes with fresh made raw butter. It was delicious, the most delicious butter I have ever tasted. For dessert we had apples with fresh homemade peanut butter. As the kids were finishing supper I popped the peanuts into the food processor and viola fresh peanut butter. The kids loved it! Below are the photos of the process of making butter. Enjoy!
                                                      -God Bless-

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Raw Milk

     Yesterday we finally fulfilled a dream of ours. We bought our first 3 gallons of raw milk. Fresh from the cow that morning. We packed up the kids and went to the farm . They were so very excited to be going to a real farm with cows. We pulled up and they saw cows, chickens, cats and dogs. One of the "Littles" even started crowing at the rooster. We walked into the building with our empty mason jars to be filled. The kids watched with such excitement as the farmers wife filled each of our jars. After we got our milk we went outside to pet a few animals. First a lovable and very playful dog then a cute and cuddly kitten. After saying goodbye we checked to make sure we had four kids back in the van and no extra animals. To home we went to enjoy our delicious milk.
     Raw milk has amazing nutrients. We are very lucky to live in a state were it is legal. Our Oldest son has been lactose intolerant  since birth. We have read many things about people who are lactose intolerant being able to drink raw milk. We have been very excited to see if he can drink the raw milk instead of all these lactose free, soy and coconut milks.  So far he is tolerating the raw milk well. No adverse reactions yet. Normally if he drinks regular pasteurized milk the effects are almost instantly. I pray he can continue to drink it and it nourishes his and our bodies.  
    A few fun facts I found out about the raw milk. The taste, well there is nothing like it! It to me literally tastes like cow smells. Not the yucky manure smell just good clean cow smell. Also cream, oh yummy cream. I have been skimming the tops of the jars in hopes I get enough to make some homemade raw milk butter.